Saturday, September 12, 2009

It all came down to this...

Well, it seems something has finally come of all the talk. I've been saying for years that I was going to start a blog, and here I am really doing it. Way to follow through, self.

I've spent the evening browsing Blogger and have come across some really wonderful classic film blogs that I'm looking forward to linking up here soon. I'm especially happy to have found a handful of Ginger Rogers fans who have dug up some rare photos to share - I hope to be able to contribute to that treasure trove myself! I've had a great time watching some of the more rare Ginger films they've linked to - especially an early 1930 short called Office Blues from Finding Ginger's blog.

Ginger is so cute in this with that almost Betty Boop-ish late 20's/early 30's-style singing; she must've been about 18-years-old here. The ending would obviously not have made it past the censors later in the decade, those are my favorite to watch! Great find. A co-worker and I shared a good laugh over it at the office today - and then the song got stuck in our heads for a while. Catchy little tune.

Tonight, I will leave off with one of my favorite scenes from Swing Time, as Fred (Lucky) and Ginger (Penny) dance to keep Penny's job after Lucky has just feigned terrible ineptitude at dancing in order to get the lovely dance instructor Penny to consider him as a pupil in need of her tutelage. Too cute! The video is found here.

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